Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Post-workout meals - what to eat after exercise?


Regardless of the time of training, you should eat a valuable meal within an hour of completing it. The body, tired after exercise, needs the energy to regenerate. People who want to lose weight do not have to worry that all their efforts will be wasted - as long as the established daily caloric requirement is not exceeded, the consumed carbohydrates will not be deposited in the form of adipose tissue.

What should a meal contain after intense training?

The post-workout meal should primarily contain protein and carbohydrates.


Protein is a macronutrient that is the basic building block of muscle tissue. It supports its regeneration after exercise and is necessary to stop catabolic processes and keep muscles in optimal condition. Providing the body with the right amount of protein following exercise is especially important when performing strength exercises, such as lifting weights. 

Your post-workout meal should include protein-rich ingredients such as fish, poultry, eggs, milk and dairy products, as well as legumes, nuts, seeds, and seeds.


Carbohydrates give the body the energy it needs to build muscle. Their delivery is especially important after endurance training, for example running or interval training. After exercise, it is best to take carbohydrates in the form of easily digestible simple sugars that allow you to get an immediate boost of energy. The snack can take the form of rice, pasta, bread or a ripe banana.

Prepare the perfect post-workout meal

When preparing a meal after training, it is worth avoiding saturated fat, so it is better to give up frying and decide to cook or bake. In the case of late training, it is advisable to consume simple carbohydrates that digest quickly without overburdening the stomach - mainly vegetables, rice and pasta. Reward your night sessions at the gym with a liquid meal, such as a cream soup, that will satisfy your hunger without making you feel heavy. 

After training in the first half of the day, you can successfully choose to eat energy-releasing complex carbohydrates for long periods of time. In a situation where the right amount of protein and carbohydrates cannot be supplied with food, it may be necessary to supplement these macronutrients with the use of specialized protein supplements and gainers.

Why is a properly balanced post-workout meal so important?

Regular physical activity is the key to achieving your dream figure, but the effectiveness of exercise depends on a properly balanced diet and the composition of the meals eaten after the training session. Rapid weight loss people may be tempted to skip eating after exercise, but that attitude is wrong and can have dire consequences. Consumption of a meal with an appropriate protein and carbohydrate content inhibits the process of catabolism related to physical activity, allowing the training person to be protected against unwanted loss of muscle tissue. Eating after training also allows you to restore energy reserves and supports muscle regeneration.

Refusing to eat or forgetting to eat a meal after training leads to a chronic weakening of the body, slower metabolism and loss of macro- and micronutrients. Deprived of energy and nutrients, the body will not allow the growth of muscle mass, it will also inhibit the fat burning process, making even the most intense training ineffective. For this reason, every physically active person should follow a balanced diet and remember about properly composed meals after training.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Fatty acids for weight loss

Fatty acids are hydrocarbons that are one of the main building blocks of fats. They are stored in the body in the form of adipose tissue and constitute energy and reserve material. The oxidation of fatty acids leads to the production of energy, which is necessary in carrying out life processes.

Breakdown of fatty acids

Fatty acids can be divided into two basic groups - unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are those in which there are from one to six double bonds between carbon atoms in the chain. Acids with one double bond are called monounsaturated, all the others are polyunsaturated. Usually unsaturated fatty acids are colorless liquids. They can be further divided into the following groups:

  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • omega-6 fatty acids
  • omega-7 fatty acids
  • omega-9 fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids do not contain double bonds between the carbon atoms in the molecule. Those with less than ten carbon atoms take the form of liquids, while those with more than ten atoms are solids. Solid, saturated acids are usually white in color and are not soluble in water. The most important acids of the saturated acid group are:

  • butter acid
  • lauric acid
  • palmitic acid
  • stearic acid
  • arachidic acid

It is worth remembering that excessive intake of saturated fatty acids in the diet can have a negative effect on the body - cause overweight, inflammation and lead to the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. This mainly applies to saturated fatty acids of animal origin.

Where are the fatty acids found?

Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids are common in animal products - butyric acid is found in rancid butter, while stearic acid is found in animal fats, including tallow. The source of saturated fatty acid can also be coconuts, which contain lauric acid, peanuts containing arachidic acid, and palm oil rich in palmitic acid.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 group are common in fish and algae. Products such as linseed oil and sunflower oil are rich in omega-6 acids, while omega-7 acids can be found in butter and sea buckthorn seeds. Products containing acids from the omega-9 group are mainly fish oil, avocado and olive oil.

The role of fatty acids in weight-loss process

When losing weight, it is recommended to avoid excessive consumption of fats, as their consumption is associated with an increased supply of calories. A diet high in solid animal fats can also lead to obesity and the development of conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

Despite this, even during the reduction of adipose tissue, the body cannot stop providing the body with fatty acids, which are necessary for its proper functioning. In a healthy diet, the key is to choose healthy fats that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These are mainly vegetable oils, sea fish, various types of nuts, seeds and seeds, as well as avocados. Proper supply of good fats not only will not slow down weight loss, but can support it.

Why is it worth supplementing fatty acids and when to do it?

Fatty acids play an extremely important role in the human body, enabling its proper functioning. They are responsible, among others, for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, building cell membranes or reducing the glycemic load of food and stabilizing internal organs. In a situation where we do not provide the body with a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids with food, it may be necessary to supplement them with the use of certified preparations available on the market.

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